Build a Face Chart

A long time ago, I bought this Build a Face chart from (I believe) Discount School Supply. I cannot find any notes that have the store or manufacturer or the item name, but if you happen to know a source for this, I will happily edit it into this post. 

Ever since I got it, I've been collecting ideas to use with it. Here are some in case someone else out there has this item or something similar. It would be simple enough to make something similar out of felt as well. 

I Look in the Mirror

I look in the mirror and what do I see?

I see a happy face smiling at me.

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
I see a surprised face looking at me.

I Have a Happy Face
Tune:  “I’m A Little Teapot”

I have a happy face,
Just watch me grin.
I have a great big smile
From my forehead to my chin.
When I’m upset
And things are bad,
Then my happy face
Turns to sad.
---Jean Warren

What's On A Face?
Here's a face, Now let's begin
It has two ears, a nose and chin.

A mouth, two eyes, with a bushy brow
What's on a face? We all know now

Of course, you don't need a rhyme at all and could simply have a conversation with the kids about what different parts of the face look like and how they contribute to expressing different emotions. 
