Two Little Unicorns

2 Little Unicorns
(To the tune of "Two Little Blackbirds")

Two little unicorns on a rainbow,
One named Fast (move the unicorn quickly behind the rainbow)
and one named Slow (move the unicorn slowly behind the unicorn)
Come back, Fast! (Return unicorn to the top of the unicorn)
Come back, Slow! (Return unicorn to the top of the unicorn)

Other verses:
Flying in the sky...Low/High
Sitting on a cloud. . .Quiet/Loud

Prop Source: Amazon
Words: SoTomorrowblog


  1. Know your group, though -- some kids are very sensitive to loud sounds, and it may be best to leave off the quiet/loud verse.

    (I do this rhyme as "two little blackbirds sitting on a hill/one named Jack and one named Jill" plus a fast/slow and high/low verse)


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