Do you Dewey?

One of the first projects I wanted to tackle when starting my current job was updating the Dewey posters we have hanging in the kids' nonfiction section. After two years, I've given up on finding a commercially produced product that I like enough to purchase and have started to make my own. This has been a really fun project so far!

And a sneak peek of a few scrapbooking-inspired ones that I have started (still have some work to do--some of these aren't even glued down--, but was excited to share!):


  1. Nice! I love that microscope on the Science sign - well done!

  2. Now, that is clever! I love the idea of using scrap-booking materials for graphics. We're stuck in a Word rut... using clip art. But using ellison dies (and we have loads of them) and other cut outs really makes things look current and contemporary. thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm a second grade teacher and love your update to the system. I'd love to organize my classroom library but I have maybe 3 shelves worth of books. Would you suggest organizing using dewey... or another way? Thanks for sharing your creativity!

    -Alison Korecki

  4. Anne & Sharon-- Thanks! I will be sure to post an update when/if I ever get these finished! Hoping to do some more this week still.

    Alison--My short answer is that I probably wouldn't use Dewey on that small of a collection. I would probably devise some sort of system based on themes/subjects of the books. If you want to shoot me an email at, I'd be happy to make some more suggestions, but I'd need more information to do so. I did a similar project with my college's Writing Center's library and it was a lot of fun!


  5. You could easily sell these!!!! Awesome!!!!! I'd buy them!!!!

  6. I would love to see how these look in your Library! Very cute!


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